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IEEE SMC Beijing Capital Region Chapter Seminar by Professor H.K. Lam of King's College London

IEEE SMC Beijing Capital Region Chapter Seminar by Professor H.K. Lam of King's College London

On the afternoon of June 1, at the invitation of Professor Liu Zhijie, H.K. Lam, a Reader, Department of Engineering, King's College London gave an academic presentation entitled “Interval Type-2 Fuzzy System and its Applications” at the IEEE SMC Beijing Capital Region Chapter Symposium. The faculty and staff of the School of Automation, University of Science and Technology Beijing and more than 20 doctoral and master students attended the lecture.


This talk was delivered in two parts while the first part is a brief introduction of fuzzy logic systems from the control point of view while the second part is about the fuzzy-logic related applications. First, H.K. Lam introduced the fuzzy logic system, and explained its fundamentals, working principle and rationale in detail with the support of block diagrams and examples. He highlighted the role of type-1, interval type-2 and general type-2 fuzzy sets, and focused on their pros and cons. Then, he introduced the applications using fuzzy-model-free and fuzzy-model-based techniques, including the control of mobile robots, the decision-making and obstacle avoidance for robot soccer, drug administration of anesthesia, classification of epilepsy phases, balancing of inverted pendulum, torque control of bolt-tightening applications and tracking control of continuum manipulator. Finally, he summarized his contributions made to the field, which initiated two research sub-fields underpinning the imperfect premise matching concept, membership-function-dependent analysis and interval type-2 fuzzy-model-based control systems.


After the talk, the students actively asked the questions they were thinking about. The H.K. Lam patiently answered the students’ questions on professional understanding, ability development, and further studies, and encouraged the students to bravely and confidently go to higher-level academic halls and actively participate in them. In the field of automation, contribute to the development and construction of automation.


Autobiography of the speaker

H. K. Lam is a Reader, Department of Engineering, King's College London. He is an IEEE Fellow and Highly Cited Researcher. His research interests include intelligent control, computational intelligence and machine learning. He has authored/co-authored over 350 publications (3 monographs, 2 edited books, 9 editorials, 6 book chapters, 255 journal papers and 124 conference papers).

He has served as a program chair, program committee member, international advisory board member, invited session chair and publication chair for various international conferences and a reviewer for various books, international journals and international conferences.  He was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Neurocomputing and Nonlinear Dynamics; and guest editor for a number of international journals.  He is/was on the editorial board of several international journals. He is a coeditor of two edited volumes: Control of Chaotic Nonlinear Circuits (World Scientific, 2009) and Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (World Scientific, 2012), and author/coauthor of three monographs: Stability Analysis of Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems (Springer, 2011), Polynomial Fuzzy Model Based Control Systems (Springer, 2016) and Analysis and Synthesis for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Model-Based Systems (Springer, 2016).