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Redundant Robots in Operating Room Academic Report

"Redundant Robots in Operating Room" Academic Report

On the morning of May 18th, Dr. Su Hang, at the School of Automation of University of Science and Technology Beijing, gave a presentation entitled "Redundant Robots in Operating Room" in the conference room 1104 of the Electromechanical Information Building. This lecture was presided over by Associate Professor Sun Liang, Associate Professor Yu Xinbo and more than 30 students attended the seminar. At the beginning of the presentation, Associate Professor Sun Liang introduced Dr. Su Hang's academic experience and achievements to the teachers and students. All the teachers and students extended a warm welcome to Dr. Su's visit.

Considering the robots in hospital operating rooms and the high demand for redundant robots in surgery, the significance of research on redundant robots is drawn out in this lecture. Then, the basic structure and core algorithm of the redundant robot are briefly introduced, and the research achievements of the redundant robot are vividly displayed. The structure of the full report was clear, rigorous logic and easy to understand. After the end of the report, the teachers and students present benefit a lot.



During the discussion and question session, the teachers and students present actively asked questions, Dr. Su patiently answered one by one, and believed that many questions are valuable. In this academic report, Dr. Su had a cordial academic exchange with all teachers and students, and enriched the knowledge of students, broaden their horizons in academic and scientific research. Finally, the report is completed in the thunderous applause of all the teachers and students.

Brief Introduction of Dr. Hang Su

Dr. Su received the M. Sc. degree in control theory and control engineering in South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2015 and the Ph. D. degree in Bioengineering from Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, in 2019. He participated in the EU funded project (SMARTsurg ) in the field of Surgical Robotics. Dr. Su is currently working in the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) of Politecenico Di Milano.